Female patient with a burn on the forearm caused by steam from a pressure cooker. To quickly (around 5 min) & effectively relieve pain & stop sensations. CamOleum Plus 3 in 1 for Burns, Wounds and Skin Irritation & Itching was immediately applied. Patient continued to apply CamOleum four times daily for 2 weeks.

Patient 48 years old lady with wounds on the foot caused by diabetes. To help nourish tissues and expedite recovery, CamOleum Plus 3 in 1 for Burns, Wounds and Skin Irritation & Itching ointment was topically applied 4 times daily for 3 weeks.

Patient (9 years old) with irritated and itchy skin on the back of the knees was treated 3 times daily for 2 weeks, then tapered to once daily and maintained at once on alternating days.